Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Angular Interview Questions

1. how to share data b/w components
2. what is entry components
3. DI injection in angular
4. route guards in angular
5. component life cycle in angular
6. how to inject service in angular
7. what is role of Serivces in angular
8. diff b/w inject and injectable
9. diff b/w ModelChange and ngonChange
10. diff b/w promise and obserable
11. advantages of rxjs
12. what is ngContainer, ngContent
13. how to communicate b/w two sibilings components
14. content projection in angualr
15. diff b/w viewChild and viewContentChild
16. diff b/w jit and aot
17. diff b/w angular and react
18. clouser adv. and disadv. in javascript
19. dynamic components in angualr
20. memory leakages in angualr & javascript
21. angular architecture
22. BehaviorSubjet in rxjs
23. how to create custom directives in angular
24. diff b/w hostlistner and hostbinding in angualr
25. how to create custom pipes in angualr
26. diff b/w reactive forms and modal forms in angualr
27. how angular will bootstrap form beggining
28. what are the new features in angular4
29. how do setup autorization in angualr
30. lazyloading in angular
31. how do check angular app perfomance
32. adv. of AOT compiling
33. can we use ngFor and ngFor same element
34. two way data binding in angular
35. how do setup default routing in angular
36. how do setup angular project
37. how to create component in specific folder
38. how to write unit test cases for angular
39. what is testbed in angualr
40. how do mock your service in angular

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