Functional programming is a discussion topic these days. Many programming languages are including functional concepts like lambdas into their newer versions (Ex: Java >7). In JavaScript support for functional programming constructs exists for a long time. There are three main functions we need to learn deeply. Mathematical functions take some input and return output. A pure function always returns the same output for the given input. The functions we discuss now also satisfy the purity.
The map function is available on a JavaScript array. Using this function, we can get a new array by applying a transformation function on each and every element in the array. The general syntax for JS array map operation is:{ process(elem) return processedValue }) // returns new array with each element processed
Suppose, there are few unwanted characters entered into serial keys we are working with recently. We need to remove them. Instead of removing the character by iterating and finding, we can use map to perform the same operation and get result array.
var data = ["2345-34r", "2e345-211", "543-67i4", "346-598"]; var re = /[a-z A-Z]/;
var cleanedData = => {return elem.replace(re, "")});
console.log(cleanedData); // ["2345-34", "2345-211", "543-674", "346-598"]
Note: We used the arrow syntax for function definition in JavaScript ES6
The map takes a function as an argument. That function has an argument. That argument is picked from the array. We need to return the processed element and that will be applicable to all elements in the array.
Reduce function reduces a given list to one final result. We can also do the same thing by iterating the array and saving the intermediate result in a variable. But here this is a cleaner way to reduce an array to a value. The general syntax for JS reduce operation is:
arr.reduce((accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex) => { process(accumulator, currentValue) return intermediateValue/finalValue }, initialAccumulatorValue) // returns reduced value
The accumulator stores the intermediate and final value. The currentIndex, currentValue are index, value of the element from the array respectively. initialAccumulatorValue passes that value to accumulator argument.
One practical application for reduce can be flattening an array of arrays. Flattening is converting internal arrays to one single array. For Ex:
var arr = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]; var flattenedArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
We can achieve this by normal iteration. But using reduce, it is a straight code. Magic!
var flattenedArray = arr.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => { return accumulator.concat(currentValue); }, []); // returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
This is the third type of functional programming concept. It is close to map as it also processes each element in the array and finally returns another array(not returning a value like in reduce). The length of the filtered array can be less than or equal to the original array. Because the filtering condition we pass may exclude few/zero inputs in the output array. The general syntax for JS filter operation is:
arr.filter((elem) => { return true/false })
Here elem is the data element of the array and true/false should be returned from the function to indicate inclusion/exclusion of filtered element. The common example is to filter the array of words which starts and ends with given conditions. Suppose, we should filter an array of words which starts with t and ends with r.
var words = ["tiger", "toast", "boat", "tumor", "track", "bridge"]
var newData = words.filter((elem) => { return elem.startsWith('t') && elem.endsWith('r') ? true:false; }); // returns ["tiger", "tumor"]
These three functions should be at your fingertips whenever someone asks you about the functional programming aspects of JavaScript. As you see, the original array is not changed in all three cases which are proving the purity of these functions.
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